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Knowledge Base

Get MMSID Details API



This API returns all the details of an MMS template given its MMS ID. Such details include:

  • The internal name of the MMS template
  • The MMS subject
  • The fallback SMS text, which is used when the MMS is sent as an SMS instead
  • The date the MMS template was created
  • The total number of slides within the MMS template
  • The size of the MMS template in bytes
  • The poster URL an MMS template, which represents the content that could be used as the MMS preview poster. It is only returned in the response if the MMS Template contains either a video and/or image in any of its slides. The poster URL is generated based on the first content type (either image or video) to appear in the slides ordered within the MMS Template. Thus it will not be generated if the MMS Template only contains plain text or any other types of objects such as audio, pass, pdf, ical, and vcard.

The API also returns all the details of each slide within the MMS template, including the content and slide text. For example, if a slide contains either an image, audio, or video, then the API will return the URL and file size of the original file plus all the transcoded files.

Request: XML


Request Parameters:

ACTIONMandatoryThis is the name of the function you want to execute with the API.
API_KEYMandatoryRandom key that is assigned to an account that can be used for authorization instead of USER/PASS. You can find and regenerate this key on the ‘API Settings’ page.
MMSIDMandatoryThe ID (bigint) of a saved MMS.

Response Parameters:

Param NamePresenceDescription
STATUSAlways“Success” or “Failure”.
MMSIDSuccess Response OnlyThe ID (bigint) of a saved MMS.
NAMESuccess Response Only MMS template name for internal reference only.
SUBJECTSuccess Response Only MMS Subject text. Limit subject to 40 characters for best deliverability. No unicode (emojis).
FALLBACK_SMS_TEXTSuccess Response Only Text which gets sent when MMS is sent as SMS fallback. Limit text to 110 characters for best deliverability.
DATE_CREATEDSuccess Response Only The date of the MMS template creation.
TOTAL_SLIDESSuccess Response Only The total number of slides in the MMS template.
SIZESuccess Response Only The size of the MMS template.
POSTER_URLSuccess Response Only The poster URL represents the content that could be used as the MMS preview poster.
SLIDESuccess Response Only The list of slides in the MMS template.
SLIDE:$CONTENTSuccess Response Only Slide content node which contains the content details. Acceptable slide content includes:
SLIDE:$CONTENT:FILESuccess Response Only Slide content file details which consist of the URL, size, and dimension.
SLIDE:$CONTENT:FILE:URLSuccess Response Only Slide content file URL.
SLIDE:$CONTENT:FILE:SIZESuccess Response Only Slide content file size.
SLIDE:$CONTENT:FILE:DIMENSIONSuccess Response Only Slide content file dimension.
ERRORCODEError response onlyError code associated with the error.
ERRORINFOError response onlyError message explaining the error code.

Request Example: XML


Response Example: Success

    <NAME>joe's special sandwich promotion</NAME>
    <SUBJECT>Free Joe's special sandwich today!</SUBJECT>
    <FALLBACK_SMS_TEXT>Free Joe's special sandwich today! Click here for more info</FALLBACK_SMS_TEXT>
        <TEXT>Here's a free Joe's special sandwich on us! Coupon valid through 2/1/17.</TEXT>

Response Example: Failure

    <ERRORINFO>Content unavailable. Encoding in progress, try again later</ERRORINFO>

General Error Codes:

E100Invalid request. Make a valid request via GET/POST/XML with all the required variables.
E104User Authentication Failed.
E105This account has no API rights.
E106You can call API every X seconds.
E107This account has no rights to use this action.
E108XML Parse error: $error.
E109API not activated.
E112IP was not whitelisted. API call rejected.
E113Set throughput exceeded for this API action. API call rejected.
E114Phone number is blacklisted. API call rejected.
E120Account has reached the API request limit.
E503Internal error.
E241The content does not exist
E620The ‘mmsid’ is required
E626Content unavailable. Encoding failed
E626Content unavailable. Encoding in progress, try again later
E629Unrecognised content type
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