Users can search for specific phone numbers and messages to check the status and delivery reports. Simply enter the date of the message sent, the phone number of a receiver, and select the message type (SMS or MMS).
The result will be displayed as above, showing DLR, Receiver/Sender, Routing, Message Text, Timestamps, Latency, Transaction IDs, and Status.
DLR: Users can view DLR details
Receiver: The phone number of the receiver is displayed
Sender: The shortcode/longcode that was used to send the message is displayed
Routing: Shows the VASID and the carrier of the receiver.
Message Text: Message text shows what was sent. For SMS, it displays the exact text. For MMS, it shows the MMSID. Users can click on MMSID to see what content was sent.
Timestamps: Show the timestamps of when the message was queued, sent, and delivered.
Latency: This shows how long the latency was for queued, sending, delivery, and delivery receipt.
Transaction ID: This shows Tracking ID, Internal ID, and Supplier ID.
Status: Displays the status of the message delivery.
SMS and MMS Status Codes
At the bottom of the page, Users can view MMS Status codes for reference.