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API Status Codes V2

7 min read

General Error Codes

Status CodeStatus Text
E100Invalid request. Please make a valid JSON POST request with all the required variables.
E103API access is blocked for this account. Please check the status of this account or its master account if applicable.
E104Authentication failed. Invalid api-key.
E105No API access to this user.
E107Invalid action. This API user is not allowed to use this action.
E108Invalid JSON. JSON parsing failed.
E112IP is not whitelisted. API call rejected.
E113Exceeded the allowed throughput for this API action.
E503Internal error.

API Specific Error Codes

Status CodeStatus Text
E110Invalid phone number.
E111Invalid Sender to {country-name}.
E111Invalid Sender to COUNTRYNAME.
E115Alphanumeric Sender is not provisioned.
E223More than one object is not allowed in the same slide.
E224Audio, video or image is not allowed with objects in the same slide.
E225Exceeded number of slides allowed for the MMS.
E226Audio and video are not allowed in the same slide.
E227Video and image are not allowed in the same slide.
E228MMS Text cannot exceed X characters.
E241Invalid MMS ID or MMS does not exist.
E311Invalid MMS Name or MMS Name is required.
E312No slides.
E313Slide X is empty.
E616Mms expiry timestamp is invalid.
E617Fallback sms link expiration date is invalid.
E618Carrier lookup failed. Please retry.
E619Carrier not provisioned.
E620MMS ID is required.
E621The phone number value is required.
E622Fallback SMS text is required.
E626MMS not available. Encoding in progress, try again later.
E629Unrecognized Content Type. Slide {X} contains ‘{content-type}’ content which is not supported.
E629Unrecognized Content Type. Missing Content-Type header in the {GET|HEAD} response for content in Slide {X}.
E650Invalid operator ID or operator ID is required.
E651Invalid operator ID or operator ID not found in the system.
E653Disable fallback sms accepts only boolean values.
E654Disable fallback SMS link accepts only boolean values.
E655force-send-as-sms node accepts only TRUE/FALSE values.
E712The message text value is required.
E715Phone number is not subscribed to this campaign.
E718The Campaign ref value is required.
E721The Campaign ref value is invalid.
E1501There is no information added for the vCard.
E1502Only jpg, png, and gif images are allowed for the photo in the vCard.
E1503Vcard file creation failed. Please try again.
E1506Phone number X added for the vCard must be between 4 and 20 digit.
E1508Email id X added for the vCard is invalid.
E1511The photo url in the vCard does not exist.
E1515The first or last name for the vCard is required.
E1516Phone / Email / Physical address X label added for vCard is invalid.
E1518The photo url in the vCard is not valid.
E1520Image in photo url exceeds max allowed size of X KB.
E1701There is no information added for the iCalendar.
E1702iCalendar file creation failed. Please try again.
E1703Title cannot be empty for iCalendar.
E1703Description cannot be empty for iCalendar.
E1703Location cannot be empty for iCalendar.
E1703Start Datetime cannot be empty for iCalendar.
E1703End Datetime cannot be empty for iCalendar.
E1703Timezone cannot be empty for iCalendar.
E1704Event start datetime cannot be greater than the event end datetime.
E1705Event timezone longname added is not valid.
E1706Event start datetime is not valid.
E1706Event end datetime is not valid.
E1707Event start or end datetime cannot be less than today.
E1708Event start date should be a future date if ‘Lasts All day’ option is selected.
E1801Location Name is required.
E1801The Latitude and Longitude or the Location Address are required.
E1802Latitude value is invalid.
E1802Longitude value is invalid.
E1903Dynamic Image: Barcode Id value is required.
E1904Dynamic Image: Invalid barcode type added. Only the following barcode types are allowed: Aztec Code, Code 11, Code 128, Code 39, Data Matrix, EAN, Interleaved 2of5, PDF417, QR Code, UPC-A.
E1905Dynamic Image: Barcode id value is invalid. The allowed length for Aztec Code barcode type is 800.
E1905Dynamic Image: Barcode id value is invalid. The allowed length for Code 11 barcode type is 121.
E1905Dynamic Image: Barcode id value is invalid. The allowed length for Code 128 barcode type is 118.
E1905Dynamic Image: Barcode id value is invalid. The allowed length for Code 39 barcode type is 74.
E1905Dynamic Image: Barcode id value is invalid. The allowed length for Data Matrix barcode type is 800.
E1905Dynamic Image: Barcode id value is invalid. The allowed lengths for EAN barcode type are 2,5,7,12.
E1905Dynamic Image: Barcode id value is invalid. The allowed length for Interleaved 2of5 barcode type is 89.
E1905Dynamic Image: Barcode id value is invalid. The allowed length for PDF417 barcode type is 800.
E1905Dynamic Image: Barcode id value is invalid. The allowed length for QR Code barcode type is 800.
E1905Dynamic Image: Barcode id value is invalid. The allowed length for UPC-A barcode type is 11.
E1906Dynamic Image: TextArea X is required.
E1907Dynamic Image: TextArea X is invalid. Please remove if any special characters and try again.
E1908Dynamic Image: Invalid Background Image URL.
E1908Dynamic Image: Invalid Background Image URL. Image cannot be validated.
E1908Dynamic Image: Invalid Background Image URL. The background image must be a jpg/jpeg only.
E1908Dynamic Image: Invalid Background Image URL. The background image exceeds max allowed size of X KB.
E1908Dynamic Image: Invalid Background Image URL. Image cannot be uploaded. Please try again.
E1908Dynamic Image: Invalid Background Image URL. Image cannot be uploaded on s3. Please try again.
E1908Dynamic Image: Invalid Background Image URL. Image cannot be uploaded on temp. Please try again.
E1912Dynamic Image: The barcode width value is invalid. Only numbers greater than 10 are allowed.
E1912Dynamic Image: The barcode height value is invalid. Only numbers greater than 10 are allowed.
E1912Dynamic Image: The barcode border-width value is invalid. Only numbers between 0 and 999 are allowed.
E1912Dynamic Image: The barcode position X value is invalid. Only numeric values are allowed.
E1912Dynamic Image: The barcode position Y value is invalid. Only numeric values are allowed.
E1912Dynamic Image: The barcode font size value is invalid. Only numeric values are allowed.
E1912Dynamic Image: The barcode font size value is invalid. Only numbers between 8 and 72 are allowed.
E1912Dynamic Image: The barcode rotate value is invalid. Only numeric values are allowed.
E1912Dynamic Image: The barcode alignment value is invalid. Only the following alignment values are allowed: left, center, right.
E1912Dynamic Image: The barcode font value is invalid. Only the following font values are allowed: Arvo, Arial, ArialMT, OpenSans, LiberationSans, Ubuntu.
E1912Dynamic Image: The barcode rotate value is invalid. Only the following rotate numbers are allowed: 0, 90, 180, 270.
E1912Dynamic Image: The barcode foreground color value is invalid. The foreground color value must be specified in hexadecimal format and starting with \’#\’
E1912Dynamic Image: The barcode background color value is invalid. The background color value must be specified in hexadecimal format and starting with \’#\’
E1912Dynamic Image: The text area {1-8} position X value is invalid. Only numeric values are allowed.
E1912Dynamic Image: The text area {1-8} position Y value is invalid. Only numeric values are allowed.
E1912Dynamic Image: The text area {1-8} font size value is invalid. Only numbers between 8 and 72 are allowed.
E1912Dynamic Image: The text area {1-8} width value is invalid. Only numeric values are allowed.
E1912Dynamic Image: The text area {1-8} font value is invalid. Only the following font values are allowed: Arvo, Arial, ArialMT, OpenSans, LiberationSans, Ubuntu.
E1912Dynamic Image: The font color value is invalid. The font color value must be specified in hexadecimal format.
E1913Dynamic Image: A background image, barcode, or at least one text area is required.
E1914Dynamic Image: The background image failed to upload. Please try again.
E1915Dynamic Image: Dynamic image could not be generated. Please try again.
E1918Physical address X added for the vCard must be between 4 and 1000 characters.
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