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Click Tracking Postback

4 min read

Click Tracking Setup

Click tracking can be enabled or disabled per message. By default, all MMS Templates and Campaigns are created with Click Tracking turned OFF. The setting to turn ON/OFF click tracking for MMS is on the MMS Templates page. Click tracking can also be enabled per SMS. The setting to turn ON/OFF click tracking for SMS is on the Campaign Manager when scheduling an SMS delivery or setting up an SMS auto-response. Click tracking can also enabled in the sendSMS API by passing the ‘yes’ value into the ‘click-tracking’ request parameter. In the near future, click tracking will be enabled in our MMS Messaging APIs.

When this feature is turned ON, all of the links and URLs appearing in the MMS text or SMS text will be replaced with “Smart Links” just before the message gets sent out to the recipient devices. When a user clicks a Smart Link they will be redirected to the original link in the message and an event will be triggered in the system to notify you that the click happened. In the Account Postback Settings page, there will be a place to enter a postback URL to receive notifications of these click events.

Supported URL Formats

  • http://www.fake-url.com/index.php#sdfs
  • fake-url.com
  • www.fake-url.com
  • https://fake-url.com/index.php?me=xxx&them=323
  • www.fake-url.co.in
  • fake-url.au
  • fake-url.gov.in
  • fake-url.org
  • fake-url.edu
  • http://www.fake-url.com/images/icons.png
  • http://www.fake-url.com/images/icons.html
  • http://fake.url.edu/fake/fake


Smart Links will use the subdomain that Skycore has assigned to your short code for SMS Fallback messages. In this case, ‘6e2aZ18ZYajVX9r’ is the unique id generated for the smart link. Skycore will generate a new smart link for every link in the message per number. All query strings in the URL will be maintained and any merge tags used in a URL will be added to the query string before it is shortened into a Smart Link.

Click Tracking Postback URL

On every smart link click, the click tracking event information is posted back to the URL endpoint defined in your account. You can set up one click tracking callback URL endpoint per account which is applicable for all messages in that account. The Postback URL can be configured from the account’s user interface under the Postback Settings page. You can also contact your account manager to configure this.

JSON Postback / Callback

On every smart link click a JSON callback is made to the account’s postback URL with all the click event information as well as other metadata. The postback URL needs to be set up before you start sending the MMS. Depending on how the message was sent, some meta data will not be available in the JSON callback . For example, MMS specific data will not be present in an SMS message click postback and a campaign-id data will not be present if the message was not linked to a Campaign.

Example of JSON Callback

LINKIDMandatoryThis is the unique identifier of the Smart Link.
ACCOUNTIDMandatoryThis is the unique identifier of the Account
MMSIDOptionalThis identifies the MMS Template
CAMPAIGNIDOptionalThis is the Skycore campaign ID, if a Campaign is related to the message
CAMPAIGNREFOptionalThis is the customers own campaign reference, if a Campaign if related to the message
CARRIERIDMandatoryThis is the Skycore carrier ID related to the recipient number
CARRIERNAMEMandatoryThis is the Name of the carrier related to the recipient number
RECIPIENTMandatoryThis is the recipient phone number
SENDERMandatoryThis is the sender short code or long code
CLICKACTIONUAMandatoryThis is the browser user agent of the click
CLICKACTIONTIMESTAMPMandatoryThis is the timestamp of the actual click. The postback may come second later.
ORIGINALLINKMandatoryThis is the original link we are redirecting to
TRACKABLELINKMandatoryThis is the full URL we used for click tracking
QUERYSTRINGOptionalThis is any additional query string parameters added to the trackable-link during click

Example of JSON Callback

  "click-action-ua":"Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0.1; SM-G920V Build/MMB29K) AppleWebKit/537.36, (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/52.0.2743.98 Mobile Safari/537.36",     
  "click-action-timestamp":"2004-02-12T15:19:21+00:00", // ISO DATE FORMAT
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