Collect Email Addresses Through SMS Responses

Email addresses can now be collected via SMS data collection. Email data is collected when an SMS data collection message is sent out to customers requesting their email address in the reply. When customers respond, that data is both added to their Audience profile and subscribed to an email campaign. Once the email is added to an email campaign a sequence of email automatic responses can be sent to the customer.

Benefits of the Email Address Collection

You are now able to take customers who already subscribed to an SMS/MMS campaign, and subscribe them into an email campaign. By doing so, you will be able to transition your SMS/MMS marketing campaign into a cross-platform strategy.

Cross-platform mobile marketing campaigns give companies the option to present a larger variety of content by taking advantage of multiple mediums. Different mobile marketing mediums have different advantages.

Once customers are opted into an email campaign, you can send email automatic responses and scheduled email messages to them. By creating an automatic response for your email campaign, customers can receive a confirmation email message from you almost instantly after they submit their email address through SMS. There is no API integration required.

SMS email collection