Shoppers Opt-In to Receive Multimedia Messages Including Coupons, Content and Product Reviews
July 31, 2008
Boston, MA: Skycore, LLC, has today launched their Point-Of-Purchase (POP) messaging application enabling brands and retailers to increase sales by engaging in-store shoppers with coupons, product information and fun content sent to their mobile phones.
This Skycore POP-to-MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service) application enables marketers to expand the reach of traditional digital signage and POP/POS displays with informative and promotional MMS messages sent directly to the shopper’s phone while on location. They can promote across all stores or at select specific retailers and regions.
In a typical implementation, marketers would tag a custom Skycore keyword and short code on a product, its packaging or corresponding POP/POS display. As shoppers consider purchasing that item, they opt-in to receive the brand’s message by simply text messaging the keyword to the short code.
MMS is convenient for shoppers because messages are delivered to their phone’s inbox in the same, familiar way as SMS (text) messages are and they don’t need to download any software.
Marketers compose their messages using Skycore’s online MMS Composer tool. Messages are delivered by Skycore to the shopper’s mobile phone as slide shows consisting of up to eight (8) slides of images, audio, video and 4,000 characters of text (500 characters per slide).
Skycore’s MMS application is a “Do-It-Yourself” platform for marketers and doesn’t require contracts, minimums or registration fees. Instead, marketers currently pay 20 cents (US) per message sent in the USA. No infrastructure or technical knowledge is required to launch the service and message updates can be made in real-time on the web.
“What makes this technology unique is its broad reach – up to 75% of mobile phones are now MMS enabled – and the ability for marketers to cost-effectively inform and engage prospective customers on location at that critical point of sale,” said Rich Eicher, president of Skycore, LLC.
“Retail space is at a premium and training sales staff is both time consuming and expensive for retailers and brands. Our MMS technology offers an effective way to engage and inform shoppers while building a brand and increasing sales,” added Mr. Eicher.
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